Tuesday 24 November 2009

Let's go round again...

"Maybe we'll turn back the hands of time"-no I've not turned into a Take That fan...just reflecting the fragility of the human condition and that of its mental health.

When I thought my own mental health was fine, when I thought that my own depression was well and truly "cured" it bites me in the ass once again. It has taken a panic attack and a rather desperate trip to the doctors but at least I realised before I got as bad as I did a few years ago...no counting out how many pills it would take or standing at the top of the stairs trying to work out if it would work for me this time around.

And of course there is the counsellor to see too...what fun that will be. But it will be useful. If for no other reason to have someone impartial to listen to me and let me say what I cannot vocalise to anyone other than the empty toilet roll tube (they are great listeners - very undemanding).

So...2 weeks of being signed off from work. What to do with myself.

Answers on a postcard please...

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