Saturday, 28 March 2009

Time and tide waits for no man...or woman.

For starters there are the phones. Yes, I know they are pretty much an everyday thing now and we use them without thinking but if you stop to think how incredible an invention they are...well you'll probably become me and will therefore fall over....but, phones. Yes they are amazing. Take, for example my friend Kate. She is currently in New Zealand, taking a year out from life in England and I am hoping she is enjoying herself. She called me this morning, as she does most weekends from her mobile. Now ordinarily this would be horrendously expensive and so we would not be able to do it (because as much as I love her, I am in no way calling NZ from my landline!) but no. She has a funky little calling card that lets her call landlines from a mobile no less for up to an hour (I think) for a few dollars. I am very impressed with this. And what is more, I managed to hit the cut off button on my phone but the connection remained. Now are you impressed? No? Well maybe I am just easily impressed and amused. No comment needed thank you.

The end of March is literally just over the weekend, the clocks are going forward much to the delight of many, the cat included and that means a birthday is approaching. Mine to be more precise. I don't feel almost 26, I don't even feel 25 and I have been for a whole 260 days i.e. since my last birthday and lots has changed since then...way to much to put in here...but it might fit into a list:-
  • I moved to Leeds
  • I found a good (if not slightly repetetive job)
  • I KEPT this job
  • Moved out of the shared house
  • My girlfriend Caroline and her kooky but loveable cat moved in with me
  • I have made new friends
  • The aforementioned Kate was waved off amid many tears to NZ
  • Both my parents have changed jobs
  • I am renting my first house on my own (still a bit baffled that I am old enough to do this)
  • I applied to university and have been accepted - even more baffled!
  • Still falling over - nothing new there really
So far, not a bad haul really! What is odd is that what my elders said is coming true. Policemen and doctors are starting to look younger than me and time is going past quicker than it seemed to. Ageing - great isn't it? I can no longer drink the way I used to and an late night takes a week to get over. The highlight of the weekend is when the kitchen is clean and the washing is hanging. Maybe this is middleage hitting me early?

I have plans too. I am going to see a friend who I have been speaking to for nearly 3 years who lives in Kenya. I am having a "proper" holiday and frankly my dear, I cannot wait to get there. Each month I am tempted to have a little celebration to mark its ever closer date but I am hoping that it doesn't fly by too quickly and I get to do what I want to do. I know Abbey has major plans for me while I am there - pictures will follow courtesy of my mother's borrowed camera.

Yes, time is indeed flying by...I wonder if I am keeping up with it though?

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